Yoram Levanon

Dr. Yoram Levanon

Beyond Verbal: Founder

Chief science officer (CSO ) of Beyond Verbal Communication Ltd., Israel (world leader of Emotions Analytics field and vocal biomarkers field).


Dr. Levanon has a varied and illustrious career , where multidisciplinary R&D integrated to DSS (Decision Support Systems ) in management, marketing, psychological, wellness and medical systems.


With multiple degrees in Physics, Mathematics, Statistics and Operations research. Dr. Levanon has chosen multidisciplinary studies and implementations as his  preferred career. Based on that approach and on his rich experience he creates the infrastructure of the Emotion Analytics field, where physical models of brain and voice, decision making (emotional and rational ), and influence theories have been used by him in the development process from 1995 until now. During this process he has discovered (in addition to Emotions  universal mapping through intonation) that specific voice features/distortions are biomarkers of several diseases and has validated these findings with leading institutes (CAD-with Mayo Clinic, Autism-with Weitzman institute, Neuro diseases with Hadassa Hospital, Psychological surveys with TAU, Haifa University, IDC and others).


Today Beyond Verbal is developing various platforms and applications –based on these- in fields of Emotions Mapping, Market research, Wellness & Health monitoring .


Dr. Levanon serves also as a senior fellow at the SEI Center for advanced studies in Management in Wharton, and also served in Israeli universities (Hebrew university , TAU , BAR-Ilan) and in the Netanya Academic College.

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